Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to communicate effectively in a job interview

Take a few deep breaths to calm down if you feel yourself getting nervous or overwhelmed
Communicating effectively is one of the key steps to performing well in a job interview. It lets an interviewer know you are articulate, educated and personable. Learn a few methods on how to communicate effectively in a job interview so you make a good impression on potential employers.

Utilize small talk:
Use small talk at the beginning of the interview to your advantage. Smile, respond to pleasantries and be sure to shake your interviewer’s hand. This will help the interviewer gain an understanding of your personality and how you communicate with people.

Stay positive:
Focus on positive or neutral topics. Avoid mentioning any negative issues or controversial current events that will cause the mood of the interview to shift in a negative direction.

Answer the questions:

Monday, January 9, 2012

CIT-IOE (Centre of Information Technology)

Cit is one of the vital part of IOE. It is the central area from where the whole network of IOE is controlled. It can be said as the heart of IOE network. Different departments of IOE are interconnected in LAN and it connects with the outer world of internet via CIT. 

Internet Source:
Currently, it’s receiving 8 Mbps internet from Nepal Telecom Corporation (NTC). The bandwidth is not limited to specific department. Everyone receives the same 8 Mbps bandwidth. The band limiting device was temporarily discarded due to some problems.

Physical Medium/Reception:
CIT uses single optical fiber to receive 8 Mbps internet from NTC. Before this, it used to receive 2 Mbps internet from co-axial cable and uses two co-axial cable, totaling to 4 Mbps internet. To distribute the internet from CIT to different departments, it then uses co-axial cable.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop

Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop is based on the most recent stable version of
Apache Hadoop with numerous patches, backports, and updates. Cloudera shares this distribution in a number of different formats: compressed tar files, RPMs, Debian packages, and Amazon EC2 AMIs. Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop is free, released under the Apache 2.0 license and available at http://www.cloudera.com/hadoop/.
Cloudera has an online configurator at http://www.cloudera.com/configurator to make setting up a Hadoop cluster easy (Figure B-1). The configurator has a simple wizardlike interface that asks targeted questions about your cluster. When you’ve finished, the configurator generates customized Hadoop packages and places them in a package repository for you. You can manage any number of clusters and return at a later time to update your active configurations. 

To simplify package management, Cloudera shares RPMs from a yum repository and Debian packages from an apt repository. Cloudera’s Distribution for Hadoop enables you to install and configure Hadoop on each machine in your cluster by running a single, simple command. Kickstart users benefit even more by being able to commission entire Hadoop clusters automatically without any manual intervention.


Installing Apache Hadoop

It’s easy to install Hadoop on a single machine to try it out.


Hadoop is written in Java, so you will need to have Java installed on your machine,
version 6 or later. Sun's JDK is the one most widely used with Hadoop, although others
have been reported to work.

Hadoop runs on Unix and on Windows. Linux is the only supported production plat-
form, but other flavors of Unix (including Mac OS X) can be used to run Hadoop for
development. Windows is only supported as a development platform, and additionally
requires Cygwin to run. During the Cygwin installation process, you should include
the openssh package if you plan to run Hadoop in pseudo-distributed mode.


Start by deciding which user you’d like to run Hadoop as. For trying out Hadoop or
developing Hadoop programs, it is simplest to run Hadoop on a single machine using
your own user account.
Download a stable release, which is packaged as a gzipped tar file, from the Apache
Hadoop releases page (http://hadoop.apache.org/core/releases.html) and unpack it
somewhere on your filesystem:

% tar -xzf hadoop-x.y.z.tar.gz

Friday, January 6, 2012

Changing careers midway

Researching current market trends is essential before taking the plunge

Whether due to ardent desire or due to less than ideal situations in the present economic meltdown, changing careers mid-way is a distraught decision. Some points to mull over before changing careers midway.

Always keep a contingency plan ready:
You can move within the same or related industry or may be to a completely different one. But before the shift, ponder few questions like whether it pays you to help you survive. Without money, life becomes difficult. Often hobbies and passions do not convert to high paying jobs, even entrepreneurship takes time to translate into a well-paid job. It is better to keep something ready to fall back on. Also, moving to a new industry is risky and may not be as exciting.

Decide whether the field is appropriate at that moment: