ADSL stands for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line. It operates on copper line from telecom office to customer end.
Asymmetrical: The speed of transmission is not the same in both directions. The downstream (from network to consumer) speed can be as fast as ten times of upstream (from consumer to network). This coincides nicely with the requirements of internet access for the large amount of data down load.
Digital: ADSL modems (also known as CPE) operate on a bit stream, and are intended for carrying digital information between digital equipment such as PCs. In this respect they are no different from conventional modems.
Subscriber Line: ADSL operates over the subscriber’s normal telephone line to the local exchange. The telephone line can continue to be used for voice calls through the use of device called ‘splitters’ that separate the data and voice on the telephone line.
>> Simultaneous broadband and phone services over a single line without interference.
>> Uninterrupted, high-speed internet access that’s always on-line.
>>Cost-effective solutions for residential customers, telecommuters and small businessess.
>>Data security that exceeds other technologies.
Installation Procedures
Step 1: Disconnect your telephone line from distribution point inside your house.
Step 2: Connect it to the input of splitter.
Step 3: Connect DSL modem in the splitter interface marked ‘modem’ with R-j11 connecter.
Step 4: connect your telephone set in the splitter interface marked ‘phone’/
Step 5: The computers are connected with RJ 45 or USB interface to connect to the DSL modem.
Step 6 : To check if your ADSL line is working, the ADSL led will first blink and then glow continuously after you connect your modem /CPE to the phone line.
Step 7: Then create the PPPoE Dial UP connection.
Step 8: Because ADSL can be used for broadband access and involves a wide range of multimedia services, you are recommended to use a computer with such configurations:
(Recently most of the computers has the minimum requirements though I am mentioning these, You can also skip this small section and jump to ADSL Modem Configuration)
# Shall be equipped with the 10M/100M Ethernet adapter or USB 1.1 or higher interface
# Shall support the TCP/IP protocol
# CPU above Pentium III, 128 M memory, 10 G hard disk, graphic accelerating adapter with above 2M displays memory, audio adapter and sound box.
ADSL Modem (CPE) Configuration:
After Purchasing CPE (ADSL 2+ Modem), Clients are requested to go through its manual thoroughly.
Browse the web management page of your ADSL modem. For example, if your modem management interface IP Address is
Provide admin username and password of your modem.
(Note: Clients are extremely encouraged to go through their Modem/CPE manual to get information like IP address, Admin username and Password).
Generally, Modem/CPE can be used in Routing Mode or Bridge Mode.
$ 1 $ Routing Mode
In this mode, modem dials with username and password provided by the service provider. You have to explicitly provide username and password to your modem configuration. In this mode same Modem can be used to share Internet connection to multiple computers.
Configuration Parameters for Routing Mode
VPI ---8
VCI ---81
Encapsulation --- PPPOE/LLC
Authentication --- CHAP
Username—Provided by Service Provider
Password ---Provide by service Provider
Providing these information should establish connection between Modem and DSLAM
Rx/Tx counters should start to increase
Note: One does not need to create a dial up or dial while using routing mode. Modem will dial itself.
$2$ Bridge Mode
In this mode your computer dials with username and password provided by Service Provider. This mode is mainly used to connect internet for a single computer.
Configuration parameters for Bridge Mode
Select Bridge Mode
Encapsulation --- LLC
VPI ---8
VCI--- 81
Authentication --- CHAP
Configuration for XP
# Go to network connection wizard window
# Choose Make Internet dialup connection
# Choose manual option
# Choose xdsl PPPoe service
# Provide service name
# Username: Provided by service provider
#Password: Provided by service provider
Now dial with the account created
You are now surfing the Internet.
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