What’s Filaria?
Filaria is a communicable disease. It’s causative agent is parasitic filarial worms Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. Mosquito is the medium of it’s transmission from one person to another.
Who can be affected?
Anyone is vulnerable to be affected by disease. Since, it’s the function of the Mosquito, children are more vulnerable to this disease, BUT, the symptoms will be shown in the young age.
The person infected by the disease may seem normal but s/he may be affected internally.
Other symptoms:
# Fever due to cold.
# Lymph starts swelling, becomes more red, some red/black marks on the hands/legs.
# Pain the genital organs of both male and female.
# Swelling of legs/Hands
#Thick fluid like urination
#Loss of immunity
# and others….
World Filaria Elimination programme
It’s a worldwide programme to eliminate the problem of Filaria by the end of 2020. Currently, the program is being conducted over 83 countries worldwide.
Medicines used for the Programme
Medicine 1: D.E.C : This medicine has been used over 50 years
Medicine 2: Albendazole: It’s being used over 25 years to cure the some stomach problems.
Alert: Who shouldn’t take this medicine???
# children under the age of 2.
# Pregnant
# Seriously diseased persons (like who cannot do their daily works, need to take bed rest, or taking some hard medicines.) .
# Don’t eat this medicine, when your stomach is empty or you are hungry. In fact, almost never eat any medicine in empty stomach.
Age 2-5:
D.E.C : 1 tablet
Albendazole: 1 tablet
Age 6-14:
D.E.C : 2 tablet
Albendazole: 1 tablet
Age 15 and above:
D.E.C : 3 tablet
Albendazole: 1 tablet
Where will you find the medicine?
This medicine is given by the medical professionals. On the day of the Medication Programme, it’s distributed for free in the near booth. It’s the programme like vitamin and polio.
The other day, one can get in the any of the local health post, health centres of Nepal Govt.
Effects of Medicine:
To those who are infected by the disease, one might get
# Slight Fever
# Nausea
# Vomiting
# Stomach Pain
If you have such symptoms, then be happy that your parasite has been died in your body. BUT, But if it continued for more than 2-3 days, then immediately consult the doctor. Don’t play with your body and rush to the hospital.
Friday (Jan 6 & Jan 7 ) all over Nepal. Don’t Miss It.
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